Bijou.fm: Your Last.fm & Spotify Stats Companion
Bijou.fm is a beautiful and slim statistics tool for tracking and enjoying your Last.fm and Spotify listening data.
Key Features:
- Real-time Chart Notifications: Get notified when your Top 50 charts change or when you reach personal scrobbling milestones
- Comprehensive Visualization: Explore your music through pie charts, photo grids, and various bar charts
- AI-Powered Features:
- "Lyrics Emojifier" for fun emoji interpretations of lyrics
- "Bio Summarizer" for quick artist insights
- Advanced Analytics:
- Gender and Nationality perspective analysis
- Custom time range exploration (specific years, seasons, or any period)
- Music Integration: Play your charts with Spotify Premium or Apple Music
Additional Features:
- Social Comparison: Compare music tastes by overlaying your data with other users
- Artistic Themes: 10+ color themes inspired by art history and cities worldwide
- Home Screen Widgets: Customizable widgets of various sizes
- Cross-Platform: Available on iOS, Apple TV, and web browser
- Custom Lists: Create personalized lists with most listened Tags or country-specific Top Charts
Experience your music journey in a whole new way with Bijou.fm's beautiful interface and powerful analytics.